How to Grow Hydroponic Plants
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How to Grow Hydroponic Plants |
SADERA - Hydroponic Plants, For plant lovers, of course, you already know what hydroponic farming is? Yes, planting hydroponically is a way or technique of farming using planting media other than soil such as: water, air, burnt husks, coir & coconut powder or cocopeat, gravel sand, rockwool.
Rockwool is made of basalt rock heated to a temperature of 1,600 degrees Celsius as a result of which it melts as lava and in this melting state the rock as fibers, pathogens in the cause of the disease die because it is heated to a very high temperature. Then after cooling this fiber cluster is cut as needed, & so on.
Planting it is also relatively easy, it can be done in the yard of the house, the container can use anything that can be used as a pot, for example used cans & used bottles.
In addition, the benefits according to farming using hydroponics are economical for planting, water will be able to continue to circulate during the process of planting with hydroponics and is environmentally friendly because it can reduce the potential for pollution of flora nutrients and can keep the flora free from weeds or other disturbing plants.
This method of planting with hydroponics is very suitable for urban or urban areas. With a little land, we have been able to make greenery. Some things that we must pay attention to are the medium for growing it and the hydroponic nutrition.sallysmusings-deandean.blogspot.comdanlt;/p> " data-image-description="<p>This hydroponic method is very suitable for urban or urban areas. With a little huma, we have been able to make afforestation. Some things that we must pay attention to are the media for growing it & hydroponic nutrients.< / p> <p>If you want to grow flora with the hydroponic method, it is highly recommended types of leaf vegetable flora such as mustard greens, lettuce, kale, celery, basil. But also capable of flora such as tomatoes, potatoes, chilies, cucumbers, peppers. Hydroponics will make the vegetable flora grow quickly and can be harvested several times.</p> " data-image-meta=""aperturedanquot;:"0danquot;,"creditdanquot;:"","cameradanquot;:"","captiondanquot;:"","created_timestamp":"0danquot;,"copyrightdanquot;:",","focal_length":"0danquot;,"isodanquot;:"0","shutter_speed": "0","titledanquot;:"","orientationdanquot;:"0"" data-image-title="hydroponic flora" data-large-file=" -hydroponics.jpg?fit=630persen2C380danamp;ssl=1" data-medium-file="" data-orig-archive=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="791,593" data-permalink="" data-recalc-dims="1" height="593" sizes="(max-width: 791px) 100vw, 791px" src="" srcset=" -hydroponics.jpg?w=791&ssl=1 791w, -hydroponics.jpg?resize=768persen2C576danamp;ssl=1 768w" width="791">
If you want to grow plants using the hydroponic method, it is highly recommended that types of leaf vegetable plants such as mustard greens, lettuce, kale, celery, basil. But it is also capable of flora such as tomatoes, potatoes, chilies, cucumbers, peppers. Hydroponics will produce vegetable crops grown using fast and can be harvested several times.
Hydroponics itself consists of several types, known hydroponic techniques including: static solution culture or more commonly known as static water culture, aeroponics, deep water culture, wick, bubleponics and bioponics. Don't forget, make sure the planting media is relatively axis so that water > nutrients can be absorbed well by the roots of the flora but also remains firm in supporting the hydroponic plant.
For someone who is a beginner try to use the wick technique or axis system because this technique is the simplest of all types of hydroponic techniques. Materials that need to be done on planting using the hydroponic method of the wick technique or the axis system.bibitbunga.comdanlt;/p> " data-image-description="<p>The Ingredients That Need To Be Done In Planting With The Hydroponic Method Of Wick Technique Or Axis System.</p> <p>1.. Used plastic drink bottles 1.5 liters- two liters, cut into two pieces.</p> <p>two. Wick, able to use stove wick, flannel cloth, or nylon.</p> <p>tiga cloth. Plant media for example: grilled husks, cocopeat (coconut powder), sponges, charcoal, gravel, sawdust, rockwool, & so on).<br / > However, in order for us to save more on our expenses foam using coir and coconut powder or cocopeat around us.</p> <p>Try you look at your box, is there a coconut tree? if there is a husk & coconut powder for hydroponic planting media. Instead of having to give rockwool, try to use coir and coconut powder around us, maximize it to fertilize hydroponic plants.</p> <p>4. Solder or other objects to punch holes in the bottle that we use to make hydroponic flora root holes later.< /p> <p>5. Scissors make cutting bottles or other media synchronous needs.</p> <p>6. Hydroponic Nutrient Solution/hydroponic fertilizer, Usually using AB mix hydroponic nutrients that can be purchased at the nearest agricultural store. Or you can make your own hydroponic nutrient solution, you can do it by mixing urea fertilizer (approximately 1000 gr), KCL fertilizer (about 1000 gr), NPK fertilizer (approximately 1000 grams), and adding foliar fertilizer (brand grandasil / growmore 50 grams) mix using water of 20 liters. It is advisable to use well water or river water, < /p> <p>7. Plant Seeds (mustard, lettuce, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc.)</p> " data-image-meta=""aperture":"0","credit":"","cameradanquot;:"",","caption":"","created_timestampdanquot;:"0danquot;,"copyrightdanquot;:"","focal_length":"0danquot;,"isodanquot;:"0danquot;,"shutter_speed": "0","title":"","orientationdanquot;:"0danquot;" data-image-title="Hydroponics farmed" data-large-archive=";ssl=1" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-archive=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="487.516" data-permalink="" data-recalc-dims="1" height="516" loading="lazy" src="" width=" 487">
1.. Used plastic drink bottle 1.five liters- 2 liters, trim as two parts.
2. Wick, can use stove wick, flannel cloth, or nylon cloth.
three. Plant media for example: burnt husks, cocopeat (coconut powder), sponges, charcoal, gravel, wood powder, rockwool, and so on).
However, in order for us to save more on our expenses foam using coir and coconut powder or cocopeat around us.
Let's take a look at your box, is there a coconut tree? if there is a coir and coconut powder for hydroponic planting media. Instead of having to give rockwool, try to make use of coir and coconut powder around us, maximize it to fertilize hydroponic plants.
4. Solder or other objects to punch holes in bottles that we use to make root holes for hydroponic plants later.
5. Scissors make cutting bottles or other media as needed.
6. Hydroponic nutrient solution/hydroponic fertilizer, Usually using AB mix hydroponic nutrients that can be purchased at the nearest agricultural store. Or you can create your own hydroponic nutrient solution, you can do this by mixing urea fertilizer (about 1000 grams), KCL fertilizer (approximately 1000 gr), NPK fertilizer (about 1000 grams), and adding foliar fertilizer (grandasil / growmore brand 50 grams) mix using 20 liters of water. It is advisable to make use well water or river water,
7. Plant Seeds (mustard greens, lettuce, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, &etc.)
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